Monday 4 June 2012

Helen - Day 2 - and the thighs ....

...are speaking to me!! The bikini workout went a lot quicker this evening! Yaay! If I had to choose a favourite set, it would be the squats and bridges! :-) My least favourite : the burpees aka star kinda jumps :-( I nearly brought up my dinner earlier - eek I just got thinking of the fat burning benefits of the workout and with the support of my sister in law, it was a fab session. Now I'm settling down to watch a movie with my bro and sister in law. Ps I forgot to mention my eldest nephew started to slap my backside! Knowing it stimulates the nerve endings - keep it going ! Lol!!

1 comment:

  1. Helen - we're delighted that you've committed to tackling the exercise regime over the Jubilee weekend. That's proper dedication!

    It's difficult to get burpees right - many people don't use the right form. Do keep going, and remember Alex the Personal Trainer will be seeing you very soon to help you with all of that.

    We had a really good chuckle over your nephew's sense of humour too .... :)

    Well done! xx


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