Tuesday 5 June 2012

Sam - the pictures!

So....I've been thinking about my goals and where I want my body to be. Summer 2010 was my my happiest and I thought I'd post a few pictures from that time as I reminder to myself for this challenge.

I came 2nd in a bikini competition out of thousands of applicants and worked hard to get my body into shape. Since then I half half trained but have a loooong way to go to get back there-thank god for the bikini challenge dream team :-)))

I am also posting a picture of me now(blue bikini) and it's not pretty (well to me!).

Today I started the day with muesli and a green tea and had soup for lunch. This evening we have friends over and I've decided to go all Lebanese with chicken marinating, yummy salads, sweet potato chips and aubergine.

Back to work tomorrow which is where the test comes, as Ally said in today's blog it's all about preperation so that you don't risk eating badly! my muesli is weighed and in a pot ready and I'll take salad from tonight for lunch :-)




  1. Way to go Sam! You've picked up on the most important part which is planning.

    I've said this before - most of us would love to have the body you've got, and at the same time we understand that you've keen to get back to the body you had when you were training hard.

    (You're closer than you realise!) :)

    Looking at your food intake today, all I'd suggest is that you make sure you have a source of protein with it (e.g. add some diced chicken breast, or if you're really brave ... pea protein isolate powder ... sounds odd but it works really well in soups and gives you that all important protein boost for your dream bikini body).

    1. Thanks Fi!

      I had lots of chicken at dinner and the soup had beans and pulses in which were filling!

      I feel chicken will be my new best friend!


  2. Sam you look Awesome!! And your Lebanese banquet sounds yummy!! How did you get on with Alex yesterday? xx

    1. Correction- I did look awesome ;-) Hoping I'll soon feel that way again.

      Alex was fab, I was pretty sore after my own bikini workout so today i'm super sore!!

      No pain, no game!

  3. Sam, gorgeous pics..and a great way to motivate yourself to get back to the best you know you can be!



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