Saturday, 28 July 2012

An update...

Hello everyone! remember me!

Long time, no blog!

I've had an exceptionally busy time of late - two events back to back, and then a holiday in Majorca to recover..and boy did I need it. The stressful, intense period left me depleted  - sore throat, swollen glands, which manifested into a head cold. I needed the holiday to recover!  I'm still taking 1000mg Vit C and Zinc, and blowing me nose....but back at the gym!

One important thing to share with you - and this is significant. From past experience, two back to back events, I've had to personally cope with back ache, as it's basically 7 days of standing - all day, with a lunch break to rest.  This year - NO BACKACHE! I am positive this is down to the glute strengthening exercising in the programme, and Pete's guidance on supporting the back.  I was soooooooooooooo relieved by this.  I also consciously squeezed my buttocks to support my back and of course tone!  A positive result in my view!

Onto diet news:

This morning for breakfast, I enjoyed porridge, with grated apple, soya yoghurt, topped with blueberries, raspberries and roasted hazelnuts - yum!

I shall be at the gym later today for a workout.  Yesterday, on my return from the gym, I could feel my bum more toned!  In all honesty, I have some catching up to do.....I intend to continue with the workouts, and diet over the coming weeks, months and years.  I actually really enjoy it!

More blogs next week.

enjoy the weekend! and the Olympics!
Helen xx

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