Friday 8 June 2012

The day after Alex PT!

So... its day 7!

Last night I had my session with PT Alex which was fab! we went through all the exercises in our guide and then tweaked a few to make more specific to me.

I was already in pain after attempting the Bikini workout on Wednesday night so today I am  feel pretty sore today!

We have incorporated a 5 minute warm up of high energy sets including jumping jacks and bouncy toes! Then it's on to the intense 30 minute exercise session that focuses on intense spurts of exercise and short rest periods- and not a sit-up in sight! In fact Alex wasn't amused when I asked if we should do them!

I feel that my biggest challenge will be getting the exercises right when he isn't here . One of the most important things with any exercise is that you are in the right position and not arching your back etc which can cause damage. To help me with this, I have videoed Alex on my phone doing each exercise!

Dinner last night was garlic and rosemary chicken, spinach and a tiny bit of brown rice (i'm not a fan of it!).

Today I have to confess I was utterly exhausted and really struggled with what to have for lunch. I didn't have time/ingredients to prep anything last night so spent 20 minutes driving around in the rain looking for food! I ended up having lamb tagine from Papadeli and sinned by buying a slice of lemon polenta cake! It was wheat and gluten free  ;-)

If anyone has suggestions for tasty lunches please let me know! I have no microwave at work which causes a problem.

I have rehearsal tonight so I will  be making a quick quorn bolognaise and wheat free pasta.... I am all chicken and vege/salad out! Is this ok?!!

Weekend is coming up and I have a busy few days but will update you tomorrow!




  1. Hello lovely Sam!

    You have plenty of lovely suggestions for lunch via the recipes I gave you - although appreciate the lack of a microwave at work means you would have to eat it cold ... so here are my suggestions for food on the run:

    Pret a Manger - Chicken salad (minus the wrap)
    Pret a Manger - Crab and Avocado Salad
    Sainsburys - Wild Rice and Prawn Salad
    Waitrose - Sushi Wrap (note this is relatively lacking in protein compared to carbs, so have a handful of nuts with it)
    Schnafel at Clifton Down - chicken schnitzel (unbreaded) with Lebanese salad.

    Hope that helps!

    See you soon,

    Fiona xx

  2. Love the alternative lunch suggestions Fiona! In fact, I had a Pret a Manger - Crayfish and Avocado Salad on the weekend - seriously tasty and filling too!

    Sam, well done on the exercises...I had my session with Alex today which I'll blog about in a mo. Hope the rehearsal went well. :-)x

    1. Thanks Fi! I was wondering what that schnafel place was like so will try tomorrow.


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